Rainbow obsidian with pink Lithium

  • 3 333 kr

This is a piece for you who seeks to open your heart and live a life with a flowing loving heart. This piece really wants to crack open your heart and let the l

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Artikelnummer: 886

This is a piece for you who seeks to open your heart and live a life with a flowing loving heart. This piece really wants to crack open your heart and let the light on. It wants to take down the walls that you have built around you. You built these walls to survive a long time ago. Now these walls are only hindering you from living your life. 

The rainbow obsidian is a volcanic crystal, it comes with heat and fire. It wants to reach in to your heart and tare down your protective walls. When these walls fall you will let life in again in to your heart. Your heart will mend by the support from the pink Lithium and you will be able to love again. You will also be able to invite love into your life again. Love from an open heart.

The pink Lithium is a heart opener and a heart mender. It will peal layer after layer of sadness and hurt from your heart. All the way until you came to the pure essence of your heart. The childlike state where you can really feel that everything is possible. And from this place you will be able to call in pure love into your heart again. 

This is a super strong piece, fierce and fiery. It comes with power and self support for you to open up and finally start living your life from the light of your open heart.