White topaz with Brandenberg Amethyst

  • 3 333 kr

This is a piece for you who seek support in bringing home all the pieces of yourself to grow into your highest potential in this lifetime.The white Topas has su

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Artikelnummer: 903

This is a piece for you who seek support in bringing home all the pieces of yourself to grow into your highest potential in this lifetime.

The white Topas has super high frequencies supporting to to step in to a protective spiral of light. It is connected to the highest spheres with connections to light beings and star constellations. 

The Brandenberg is an amazing crystal for supporting you to let codes and memories from your highest self be downloaded to you. I see it as the Brandenberg becoming a bridge where the codes and memories can travel in.
In the times we are living in right now it is essential for us to be able to step into our power, we do that by letting these codes and memories activate us so that we fully can be who we are here to be.