Fire Opal in matrix with clear quartz Vogel crystal

  • 3 700 kr

Awakening to a new life, elevating, being born again through fire.This is a piece with very high frequencies. It wants to upend you up for the new energies and

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Artikelnummer: 928

Awakening to a new life, elevating, being born again through fire.

This is a piece with very high frequencies. It wants to upend you up for the new energies and the new times of the energies of New Earth. This is a piece for you who want to expand and learn how to utilize your inner fire to ignite whatever needs to be bigger into life for you. You are a soul living here on earth, you have so many possibilities that you can dream into life simply by wanting it. This is a piece of jewelry that wants to support you to truly understand the magnificence of what you can manifest into the physical world. 

The fire opal is amazing. It comes with the Fenix birds energies, birthing you again after the fire has consumed every fear there is so that you can be free to expand and elevate. This crystal was formed under great pressure and heat and made amazingly beautiful to support you. 

The Vogel crystal was created to support you to expand. This means that this piece of jewelry is not only for you but for everyone you come in contact with, they will feel these energies as well. 

This is an expansion piece of great measures.